game = $game; } private function save(Game $game, Array $inputs) { $game->user_id = $inputs['user_id']; $game->sentence_index = $inputs['sentence_index']; $game->save(); } public function store(Array $inputs) { debug("store"); if (Auth::check()) { debug("auth checked"); $user_id = Auth::user()->id; debug($user_id); $game = new $this->game; if ($user_id == 1202) { $sentences = $this->get_sentences_from_orthal(); } else { $sentences = $this->get_sentences($user_id); } if ($sentences->count() == 0) { $this->save($game, $inputs); $game->sentences()->attach($sentences); /* game is not null !! */ return $game; } else { $count = $sentences->count(); debug($count); if ($count < 3) { if ($user_id == 1202) { $sentences = $this->get_sentences_from_orthal()->take($count); } else { $sentences = $this->get_sentences($user_id)->take($count); } } else { if ($user_id == 1202) { $sentences = $this->get_sentences_from_orthal()->random(3); } else { $sentences = $this->get_sentences($user_id)->random(3); } } /* get a random sentence from reference (=training?) */ $ref_sentence = $this->get_reference_sentences()->random(1); $this->save($game, $inputs); $game->sentences()->attach($sentences); $game->sentences()->attach($ref_sentence); return $game; } } } public function update($id, Array $inputs) { $this->save($this->getById($id), $inputs); } public function destroy($id) { $this->getById($id)->delete(); } public function getById($id) { return $this->game->findOrFail($id); } public function getWithUserId($user_id) { return $this->game->where('user_id', $user_id)->where('is_finished', 0); } protected function get_sentences($user_id) { /* forces user to annotate on sentences he has'nt annotated yet */ $id_annotated_sentences = Sentence::select(DB::raw('')) ->join('words', '', '=', 'words.sentence_id') ->join('annotations', 'annotations.word_id', '=', '') ->whereRaw("annotations.confidence_score<10", Array($user_id)) ->get(); return Sentence::join('corpora', '', '=', 'sentences.corpus_id') ->select('sentences.*') ->where('corpora.is_training', 0) ->where('corpora.is_active', 1) ->whereNotIn('', $id_annotated_sentences) ->get(); /* forces user to annotate on sentences he hasn't annotated yet */ // $id_annotated_sentences = Sentence::select(DB::raw(', count(distinct( as count_user ')) // ->join('words', '', '=', 'words.sentence_id') // ->join('annotations', 'annotations.word_id', '=', '') // ->join('users', '', '=', 'annotations.user_id') // ->join('corpora', '', '=', 'sentences.corpus_id') // ->where('corpora.is_training', 0) // ->where('corpora.is_active', 1) // ->whereRaw("annotations.confidence_score<10") // ->groupBy('') // ->having('count_user','>','2') // ->get(); // // return Sentence::select('sentences.*')->whereNotIn('', $id_annotated_sentences) // ->get(); } protected function get_sentences_from_orthal($user_id) { $name = "orthal"; debug(Sentence::join('corpora', '', '=', 'sentences.corpus_id')->where('', 322) ->select('sentences.*') ->get()); return Sentence::join('corpora', '', '=', 'sentences.corpus_id')->where('', 322) ->select('sentences.*') ->get(); } protected function get_reference_sentences() { return Sentence::join('corpora', '', '=', 'sentences.corpus_id') ->select('sentences.*') ->where('corpora.is_training', 1) ->get(); } }