Physical addressTELECOM Bretagne, Département informatiqueJean-Christophe Bach's picture
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 03
Phone(+33) (0)2 29 00 15 73
with x → jc and y → bach
Public keyEA19F34E / Fingerprint=A8C3 C208 1C6A 209B DE2A 2D6C 520E 0E85 EA19 F34E
(former one)5F96B01C / Fingerprint=6B01 787A A62D D8FF 7CAA 8601 838F E373 5F96 B01C
Jabber (IM)
Tox IDBCD619585BDFB2426EFEB9622E7C4C7FF2D78459AF4CE2D18864B8B392F07C6A82117456EA95


Since September 2015, I am an Associate Professor at Telecom Bretagne in the Computer Science department. I am a member of the PASS research group (IRISA), led by Antoine Beugnard.

Past experiences:
From September 2014 to August 2015, I was a teaching assistant (ATER) at the FIL , the Computer Science department of IEEA, a part of the University of Lille 1. I was a member of the RMoD research group (Inria, LIFL), led by Stéphane Ducasse.

I defended my PhD on Friday, September 12th 2014. I started it in November 2010 at Inria / LORIA working on model transformations under the supervision of Pierre-Étienne Moreau and Marc Pantel in the Pareo research group. In the context of my PhD, I was involved in the Quarteft project, funded by FNRAE (Fondation de Recherche pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace / Research Foundation for Aeronautics and Space) From November 2010 to October 2013, I was funded by Inria. From November 2013 to August 2014, I had an ATER contract at the FST of Université de Lorraine.

Previously, I graduated from the ESIAL -Software Engineering specialization- (now known as TELECOM Nancy), then I have worked for two years as an IT security engineer at Advens, an IT security services company located in Lille.
I also have worked for two years on the Tom compiler as development engineer in the Pareo team.

Research, publications and talks:

  • You can find more information about my research topics, my publications and talks on this page.
  • On DBLP

In addition to my PhD I taught at the École des Mines in Nancy as teaching assistant (2010-2013), then at the computer science department of Sciences and Technologies Faculty as ATER (2013-2014). Currently I am a teaching assistant (ATER) at the FIL, the Computer Science department of IEEA, a part of the University of Lille 1.
For detailed information, please see this page.

Apart my research and teaching, I have interest in other activities as detailed on the following page.

Special thanks to Clément Hurlin and Paul Brauner who allowed me to use their css and the design of their personal pages :)

FR Last modification: 2015-09-03