Apart research and teaching, I am particularly interested in FLOSS, in popularization of computer science, and in electronics for beginners. I am involved in associations such as LDN and nybi.cc (within which I am taking part to the CSIRL / SMN project, with Martin Quinson).

CSIRL - Computer Science In Real Life

The CSIRL project aims to popularize computer science and to initiate children schoolboys, high school students and non-scientists into this domain. Our goal is to show that computer science cannot be summed up as computers and that it is a full-fledged science. In this project, Martin Quinson and I are developing activities which allow discovering a part of computer science without any use of computer. We are developing this project with the nybi.cc association. Although it is still in development, this project has already been tested at INRIA on the occasion of high school students welcome at LORIA.
Few useful links:

LDN - Lorraine Data Network

LDN is an association for the defense of a free (as in "free speech"), neutral and decentralized Internet. Its main goal is also to be a public, associative, citizen and Lorraine-dedicated ISP.
To have more information, please look at the website of LDN: http://ldn-fai.net [fr].
Few useful links:

Nybi.cc - NancY BIdouille Création Construction

Nybi.cc is a makerspace ("creation and fabrication space", between hackerspace and fablab) near Nancy. We aim the knowledge and means of production sharing: everybody is free to use tools to experiment, to learn and to build. The association is open to all.
Few useful links:

FR Last modification: 2015-09-03