@INPROCEEDINGS{bachITSLE2012, author = {\textbf{Bach}, \textbf{Jean-Christophe} and Moreau, Pierre-Etienne and Pantel, Marc}, title = {{Tom-Based Tools to Transform EMF Models in Avionics Context}}, booktitle = {ITSLE}, month = Sep, year = {2012}, address = {Dresden, Germany}, note = {To appear}, abstract = {{Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is now widely used in many industrial contexts such as the AeroSpace domain which requires a high level of system safety. Model-checking is one of the formal techniques which are considered to ensure a system compliance to its requirements. It relies on verification dedicated languages to model the system under verification. In order to ease the use of these tools, model transformations are provided that translate the end user provided input model of the system to the formal languages than can be verified. In order to rely on these activities for system certification, the correctness of these transformation steps must be assessed (qualification of the development and verification tools). One of the goal of our work is to provide tools to implement the transformation steps between the end user source languages used for the system development and the target languages used for formal verification. In this paper, we present a Tom rule-based approach which is used in a research project involving industrial partners: Airbus and Ellidiss.}}, keywords = {model transformation, language, Tom, Java, EMF, Domain Specific Language, DSL, AADL, Fiacre}, }