Research interests

  • Software engineering
  • Languages
  • Transformations, qualifiable transformations
    • languages
    • qualifiable
    • models
    • program
  • Software evolution
  • Software applications migration
  • Help to software verification
  • Transformation traceability
  • Formal Methods

Thesis subject

Defense on friday 12th Septembre 2014 at 01:30 pm, Loria, room C005 (my thesis can be found here or on HAL)

  • Reviewers:
    • Antoine Beugnard, Telecom Bretagne
    • Laurence Duchien, Université de Lille 1, LIFL (president)
  • Examinators:
    • Mark van den Brand, Eindhoven University of Technology
    • Benoît Combemale, Université de Rennes 1, IRISA, Inria
    • Marc Pantel, Université de Toulouse, INPT, IRIT
  • Supervisor:
    • Pierre-Etienne Moreau, Université de Lorraine, École des Mines de Nancy, LORIA.
My PhD subject was entitled « A formal island for qualifiable model transformations » and is a part of the Quarteft project. This project focuses on critical systems development chains which rely on Domain Specific Modeling Language and on qualified transformations (insurance that the transformation preserves thes interesting properties) between languages. The Quarteft project aims to develop technologies to make this approach easier in the real time embedded systems context. On one hand, the project relies on the definition of dedicated intermediate languages (DSML) and on the application of formal methods to specify and to proove the transformations correctness. The proposed study relies on the FIACRE language, which is one of the intermediate languages for the formal verification of real time aspects in the TOPCASED project; it factorize and optimize the translation chain between languages such as SDL, AADL, … and model checking tools such as TINA and CADP.

Therefore, I was interested in developping specification and implementation techniques for transformations whose use cases were extensions of FIACRE (RT-FIACRE for more abstract constructs which are specific to real time). My goal was to propose methods allowing to validate and to verify formally these transformations.

To implement these transformations, I proposed a method based on rewriting and the Tom language in an host language such as Java, and a modeling framework such as EMF. Then, I extended the Tom language to express easily theses transformations. I created a new dedicated formal island within Tom to express model transformations. I also added other formal islands to express traceability and to solve the problem of the order of rewriting rules application.

Publications and talks

On DBLP and HAL.

List of publications:

[9] Jean-Christophe Bach. Un îlot formel pour les transformations de modèles qualifiables Université de Lorraine, September 2014. PhD Thesis in French. [ bib || TEL | hal |  Local copy ]
[8] Martin Quinson and Jean-Christophe Bach. L'informatique nomade, c'est la liberté ! Interstices, February 2013. Popularization article in French. [ bib | hal | Interstices]
[7] Jean-Christophe Bach. Une approche hybride GPL-DSL pour transformer des modèles. pages 175-201, 3/33 2014. Technique et Science Informatiques, TSI. [ bib | hal |  Local copy ]
[6] Ali Afroozeh, Jean-Christophe Bach, Mark van den Brand, Adrian Johnstone, Maarten Manders, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, and Elizabeth Scott. Island Grammar-Based Parsing Using GLL and Tom. In Krzysztof Czarnecki and Görel Hedin, editors, Software Language Engineering, 5th International Conference, SLE 2012, volume 7745 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 224-243, Dresden, Germany, September 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [ bib | DOI   Local copy ]
[5] Jean-Christophe Bach, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, and Marc Pantel. Tom-Based Tools to Transform EMF Models in Avionics Context. In ITSLE, Dresden, Germany, September 2012. To appear. [ bib | DOI |  Local copy ]
[4] Jean-Christophe Bach, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, and Marc Pantel. EMF Models Transformations with Tom. In SLE, Dresden, Germany, September 2012. [ bib |  Local copy ]
[3] Jean-Christophe Bach, Xavier Crégut, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, and Marc Pantel. Model transformations with Tom. In Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications, LDTA '12, pages 4:1-4:9, Tallinn, Estonia, 2012. ACM. [ bib | DOI |  Local copy |  Slides ]
[2] Francisco Durán, Manuel Roldán, Jean-Christophe Bach, Emilie Balland, Mark Van Den Brand, James R. Cordy, Steven Eker, Luc Engelen, Maartje De Jonge, Karl Trygve Kalleberg, Lennart C. L. Kats, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, and Eelco Visser. The third rewrite engines competition. In Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Rewriting logic and its applications, WRLA'10, pages 243-261, Paphos, Cyprus, 2010. Springer-Verlag. [ bib | DOI| ACM | SpringerLink |  Local copy ]
[1] Jean-Christophe Bach, Emilie Balland, Paul Brauner, Radu Kopetz, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, and Antoine Reilles. Tom Manual. Rapport technique, PAREO - INRIA Lorraine - LORIA - INRIA - CNRS : UMR7503 - Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I - Université Nancy II - Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 2009. [ bib | hal | .pdf ]

FR Last modification: 2015-09-03