During my PhD I taught at the Université de Lorraine: first at the École des Mines in Nancy (2010-2013), and then at the computer science department of the Sciences and Technologies Faculty (2013-2014). Since Septembre 2014, I teach in several courses, from licence to master at the FIL, which is the Computer Science department of IEEA, a part of University of Lille 1.

FIL, Computer Science department of IEEA, part of University of Lille 12014-2015L1Algorithmic and programming #1 (basics in computer science, Python language)
L2Object Oriented Programing
L3Object Oriented Design (good practices in OO programming, design patterns, modeling, unit tests, Java language)
M1Software engeneering - Advanced Object Oriented Design (software modeling and design from specifications, requirements analysis, UML)
M1Distributed Architectures Design
Sciences and Technologies Faculty2013-2014L1Algorithmic and programming #1 (basics in computer science, Python language)
L1O2I/C2I (use of computers, tools and the Internet for non-computer scientist students, introduction to good security practices, digital identity, private data vs public data, etc.)
L1Methodology (designing and programming with C language)
L2Algorithmic and programming #3 (complexity, recursion, data structures, C language)
M1Software analysis and design (good practices in OO programming, design patterns, modeling, Java language)
M1Distributed architectures design
M2Software engineering project
École des Mines de Nancy2012-20131A (L3)Basic computer science (algorithmic, Java)
1A (L3)Introduction to good security practices
2A (M1)Software engineering (Lean method, source code management tools, unit tests, code optimization, build tools: Ant and Maven, design patterns)
2A (M1)UML modeling
2A (M1)Introduction to good security practices
3A (M2)Project supervisor (Study, usability, optimization and evolution of a models transformation language based on Tom)
2011-20121A (L3)Basic computer science (algorithmic, Java)
1A (L3)Introduction to Unix-like systems
1A (L3)Introduction to LaTeX
2A (M1)Software engineering (Lean method, source code management tools, unit tests, code optimization, build tools: Ant and Maven, design patterns)
2A (M1)UML modeling
2010-20111A (L3)Basic computer science (Java, SQL and XML)
1A (L3)C2I
2A (M1)Project supervisor (Tom parser re-engineering)
3A (M2)Project supervisor

A am also involved in scientific popularization events with nybi.cc and the laboratory. For more details, please look at the following page.

FR Last modification: 2015-09-03