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  1. @TECHREPORT{BACH:2009:INRIA-00121885:4,
  2. author = {\textbf{Bach, Jean-Christophe} and Balland, Emilie and Brauner, Paul and Kopetz,
  3. Radu and Moreau, Pierre-Etienne and Reilles, Antoine},
  4. title = {{Tom Manual}},
  5. institution = {PAREO - INRIA Lorraine - LORIA - INRIA - CNRS : UMR7503 - Universit{\'e}
  6. Henri Poincar{\'e} - Nancy I - Universit{\'e} Nancy II - Institut
  7. National Polytechnique de Lorraine},
  8. year = {2009},
  9. type = {Rapport Technique},
  10. abstract = {This manual contains information for Tom version 2.7. Tom is a language
  11. extension which adds new matching primitives to languages like C,
  12. Java, and Caml. Although rich and complex, Tom is not a stand-alone
  13. language: like a preprocessor, it strongly relies on the underlying
  14. language (C, Java, or Caml), called host-language in the following.
  15. To this language, Tom adds several constructs. The main construct,
  16. \%match, is similar to the match primitive found in functional languages:
  17. given an object (called subject) and a list of patterns-actions,
  18. the match primitive selects the first pattern that matches the subject
  19. and performs the associated action. The sub ject against which we
  20. match can be any object, but in practice, this ob ject is usually
  21. a tree-based data-structure, also called term in the algebraic programming
  22. community. The match construct may be seen as an extension of the
  23. classical switch/case construct. The main difference is that the
  24. discrimination occurs on a term and not on atomic values like characters
  25. or integers: the patterns are used to discriminate and retrieve information
  26. from an algebraic data structure. There- fore, Tom is a good language
  27. for programming by pattern matching, and it is particularly well-suited
  28. for programming various transformations on trees/terms or Xml data-structures.},
  29. affiliation = {PAREO - INRIA Lorraine - LORIA - INRIA - CNRS : UMR7503 - Universit{\'e}
  30. Henri Poincar{\'e} - Nancy I - Universit{\'e} Nancy II - Institut
  31. National Polytechnique de Lorraine},
  32. hal_id = {inria-00121885},
  33. language = {Anglais},
  34. pages = {155},
  35. pdf = {},
  36. url = {}
  37. }