xmobarrc 5.7 KB

  1. Config { font = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
  2. , lowerOnStart = False
  3. , bgColor = "black"
  4. , fgColor = "grey"
  5. , borderColor = "black"
  6. -- , border = TopB
  7. --, position = Top --W L 100
  8. -- Position xmobar along the top, with a stalonetray in the top right.
  9. -- Add right padding to xmobar to ensure stalonetray and xmobar don't
  10. -- overlap. stalonetrayrc-single is configured for 12 icons, each 23px
  11. -- wide.
  12. -- right_padding = num_icons * icon_size
  13. -- right_padding = 12 * 23 = 276
  14. -- Example: position = TopP 0 276 / left padding : TopP 276 0
  15. , position = TopP 0 200
  16. , persistent = True
  17. --, position = Static { xpos = 0, ypos = 0, width = 1346, height = 20 },
  18. -- commands
  19. , commands = [ Run Weather "FRXX0019" ["-t","<tempC>C","-L","18","-H","25","--normal","green","--high","red","--low","lightblue"] 36000
  20. -- network activity monitor (dynamic interface resolution)
  21. --
  22. , Run Network "enp55s0u2u4" [ "--template", "<dev>: ↓<rx>↑<tx>", "-S","True", "-L","1000","-H","5000","--low","darkgreen","--normal","darkorange","--high","darkred"] 20
  23. , Run Network "wlo1" [ "--template", "<dev>: ↓<rx>↑<tx>", "-S","True", "-L","1000","-H","5000","--low","darkgreen","--normal","darkorange","--high","darkred"] 20
  24. -- dynamic (alternate between enp55s0u2u4 and wlo1)
  25. , Run DynNetwork [ "--template" , "<dev>: ↓<rx> ↑<tx>"
  26. , "-S", "True"
  27. , "--Low" , "1000" -- units: B/s
  28. , "--High" , "5000" -- units: B/s
  29. , "--low" , "darkgreen"
  30. , "--normal" , "darkorange"
  31. , "--high" , "darkred"
  32. ] 20
  33. -- wireless essid
  34. , Run Wireless "wlo1" [ "--template", "<essid>" ] 20
  35. -- cpu activity monitor
  36. --%cpu%
  37. --, Run Cpu ["-L","3","-H","50","--normal","green","--high","red"] 10
  38. -- %multicpu%
  39. , Run MultiCpu [ "--template" , "Cpu: <total0>%/<total1>%/<total2>%/<total3>%<total4>%/<total5>%/<total6>%/<total7>%"
  40. , "--Low" , "50" -- units: %
  41. , "--High" , "85" -- units: %
  42. , "--low" , "darkgreen"
  43. , "--normal" , "darkorange"
  44. , "--high" , "darkred"
  45. ] 10
  46. -- cpu core temperature monitor
  47. -- %coretemp%
  48. -- , Run CoreTemp [ "--template" , "T°C: <core0>/<core1>/<core2>"
  49. -- , "--Low" , "70" -- units: °C
  50. -- , "--High" , "80" -- units: °C
  51. -- , "--low" , "darkgreen"
  52. -- , "--normal" , "darkorange"
  53. -- , "--high" , "darkred"
  54. -- ] 50
  55. -- memory usage monitor
  56. --, Run Memory ["-t","Mem: <usedratio>%"] 10
  57. , Run Memory [ "--template" ,"Mem: <usedratio>%"
  58. , "--Low" , "20" -- units: %
  59. , "--High" , "90" -- units: %
  60. , "--low" , "darkgreen"
  61. , "--normal" , "darkorange"
  62. , "--high" , "darkred"
  63. ] 10
  64. , Run Swap [] 10
  65. , Run Com "uname" ["-s","-r"] "" 36000
  66. -- time and date indicator
  67. -- (%F = y-m-d date, %a = day of week, %T = h:m:s time)
  68. , Run Date "%a %d/%m/%Y %T" "date" 10
  69. -- battery monitor
  70. , Run Battery [ "--template" , "Batt: <acstatus>"
  71. , "--Low" , "10" -- units: %
  72. , "--High" , "80" -- units: %
  73. , "--low" , "darkred"
  74. , "--normal" , "darkorange"
  75. , "--high" , "darkgreen"
  76. , "--" -- battery specific options
  77. -- discharging status
  78. , "-o" , "<left>% (<timeleft>)"
  79. -- AC "on" status
  80. , "-O" , "<fc=#dAA520>Charging</fc>"
  81. -- charged status
  82. , "-i" , "<fc=#006000>Charged</fc>"
  83. ] 50
  84. -- keyboard layout indicator
  85. --, Run Kbd [ ("bépo" , "<fc=#00008B>BÉ</fc>")
  86. -- , ("us" , "<fc=#8B0000>US</fc>")
  87. -- , ("fr" , "<fc=#8B0000>FR</fc>")
  88. -- , ("gb" , "<fc=#8B0000>UK</fc>")
  89. -- ]
  90. , Run StdinReader
  91. ]
  92. --layout
  93. , sepChar = "%"
  94. , alignSep = "}{"
  95. , template = "<fc=yellow>%date%</fc> <fc=red>|</fc> %battery% <fc=red>|</fc> %StdinReader%}{%enp55s0u2u4% - %wlo1%(%wlo1wi%) <fc=red>|</fc> %memory% * %swap% <fc=red>|</fc> %multicpu%"
  96. }