@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Package list:
* media-fonts/square - [1.0] -- A TTF font designed to make characters fill a square space
* media-fonts/square - [1.0] -- A TTF font designed to make characters fill a square space
* media-libs/libtxc_dxtn - [1.0.1] -- Implementation of the S3 Texture Compression
* media-libs/libtxc_dxtn - [1.0.1] -- Implementation of the S3 Texture Compression
* net-misc/ddgr - [2.2] -- A command line utility to search DuckDuckGo from the terminal
* net-misc/ddgr - [2.2] -- A command line utility to search DuckDuckGo from the terminal
-* net-misc/tuir - [1.29.0-r1] -- A terminal user interface (TUI) for Reddit
+* net-misc/tuir - [1.29.0-r2] -- A terminal user interface (TUI) for Reddit
* net-p2p/bob-bin - [9999] -- B·o·B, an universal & secure peer-to-peer file-transfer (binary version)
* net-p2p/bob-bin - [9999] -- B·o·B, an universal & secure peer-to-peer file-transfer (binary version)
* sys-process/btop - [1.3.0] -- A complete monitor of machine resources
* sys-process/btop - [1.3.0] -- A complete monitor of machine resources
* x11-misc/find-cursor - [1.8] -- Simple XLib program to highlight the cursor position
* x11-misc/find-cursor - [1.8] -- Simple XLib program to highlight the cursor position